- Einstein, D.A., McMaugh, A. Rapee, R,. M., McEvoy, P., Fraser, M. I., Abbott, M., Mansell, W. & Karin, E. (In Press) Intolerance of Uncertainty as a central influence on Social Media Use: A School-Based Program for Adolescents, Prevention Sciences
- Einstein, D.A., Dabb, C., & Fraser, M. (2023). FoMO, but not self-compassion, moderates the link between social media use and anxiety in adolescence. Australian Journal of Psychology, 75(1), 2217961.
- Ferrari, , Beath, A., Einstein, D.A., Yap, K., & Hunt, C. (2023). Gender differences in self-compassion: a latent profile analysis of compassionate and uncompassionate self- relating in a large adolescent sample. Current Psychology, 42(28), 24132-24147
- Schniering, A., Einstein, D.A., Kirkman, J. J., & Rapee, R. M. (2022). Online treatment of adolescents with comorbid anxiety and depression: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 311, 88-94.
- Davis, G., Einstein, D.A., Jeffries, A., Lam, J. Lambrinos, E. (2021) On Dancer Wellbeing; Review of Safe Dance practices beyond Covid. Ausdance NSW.
- Einstein, D.A. Behavioural Modelling: Managing your own Worry can help nervous children back to school. Bounty Magazine, 19 June 2020.
- Einstein, D.A. Tips for how Teachers can talk to Children about Covid19, Education Today, 24 June 2020.
- Einstein, D.A. Step by Step guide for teachers in managing a child’s anxiety and worry during Covid19. Education Today, 3 June, 2020.
- Einstein, D.A, & Wright H. (2020) Chilled and Considerate School Program Teacher manual, videos, student manual. Year 7 to 8 (Second Ed.). Year 11 to 12 (Second Ed.). Years 9 to 10 (Second Ed). Year 12 (First Ed.); Years 7 to 11 (Frist Ed.); Years 5 to 6 (Second Ed.), Years 5 to 6 (First Ed.) Distinct Psychology.
- Einstein, A. (2020) Chilled and Considerate Parent Bootcamp, Online program and Parent workbook.
- Einstein, A. (2020) Chilled and Considerate Teacher Wellbeing Program, Online program and Teacher workbook.
- Ferrari, , Hunt, C., Harrysunker, A., Abbott, M. J., Beath, A. P., & Einstein, D. A. (2019). Self-compassion interventions and psychosocial outcomes: a meta-analysis of RCTs. Mindfulness, 10(8), 1455-1473
- Einstein, D.A. Schools should tread carefully through the screentime minefield. Sydney Morning Herald, 17 November, 2019.
- Einstein, D.A., (2018) We asked five experts: should mobile phones be banned in schools? [online]. Reach +116,000 reads. The Conversation. Available at: in-schools-98708
- Ferrari, M., Yap, K., Scott, N., Einstein, D. A., & Ciarrochi, J. (2018). Self-compassion moderates the perfectionism and depression link in both adolescence and adulthood. PloS one, 13(2), e0192022.
- Einstein, A. & Wright, H. School phone ban vital for students, argue education experts. Sydney Morning Herald, 3 July, 2018
- Einstein, A. (2018) The Emotional Intelligence in Schools Program EMI: Teacher Manual, Distinct Psychology.
- Einstein, D.A. (2017). Constantly texting your friends about problems may be increasing your anxiety. [online]. The Conversation. Reach +102,000 83 tweets; 1908 Facebook Shares. Available at: problems-may-be-increasing-your-anxiety-83960
- Ferrari, M,. Yap,K., Scott, N., Einstein, D. A. & Ciarrochi, (2017) Self compassion moderates the perfectionism-depression link in both adolescence and adulthood. Poster presented at the 38th National Conference of the AACBT, Coogee, Australia.
- Einstein, D.A. & Mansell, W. (2016) The relevance of uncertainty and goal conflict to mental disorders, their prevention and management: A unifying approach, The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 9, doi:10.1017/S1754470X16000234
- Einstein, D.A., Boyd, M. & Farkash, L. (2016) The Insights Program, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University.
- Hudson, J.L.*, Einstein, D.A*, Rapee, R., Schniering,C., Lyneham, H., Wuthrich, V., Wignall, A., Newall, C. & McLellan, L. (2015) Chilled@School:Universal Prevention for Adolescent Anxiety and Depression, Centre for Emotional Health, Macquarie University (*equal contribution)
- Einstein, D.A. (2015). Life is full of uncertainty, we've just got to learn to live with it. [online] The Conversation. Available at: uncertainty-weve-just-got-to-learn-to-live-with-it-30092 Reach: +87,000 reads; 87 Tweets; 1128 Facebook shares.
- Schniering, C.A., Einstein, D.A., & Rapee, R.M. (2015). The Chilled Plus Adolescent Anxiety and Depression Program - Internet Intervention. Centre for Emotional Health, Macquarie University: Sydney.
- Schniering, C. A., Einstein, D.A. & Rapee, R. M. (2015). The Chilled Plus Program- Parent Centre for Emotional Health, Macquarie University: Sydney.
- Schniering, C. A., Einstein, D.A. & Rapee, R. M. (2015). The Chilled Plus Program- Therapist Centre for Emotional Health, Macquarie University: Sydney.
- Einstein, D.A. (2014). Extension of the transdiagnostic model to focus on intolerance of uncertainty: a review of the literature and implications for treatment. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 21(3), 280-300. Cited by 90.
- Helgadóttir, F. D., Menzies, R .G. & Einstein, D.A. (2012) Magical thinking and obsessive- compulsive symptoms in Australia and Iceland : a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, 1, 216-219.
- Einstein, D.A., Menzies, R.G., St Clare, T., Drobny, J. & Helgadottir, F.D. (2011) The treatment of magical ideation in two individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 4, 16-29.
- Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2008) Does magical thinking improve across treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder? Behaviour Change, 25, 149-155.
- Titov, N., Andrews, G., Schwencke, G., Drobny, J. & Einstein, D.A. (2008) Shyness 1: Distance treatment of social phobia over the internet. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42, 585-594.
- Einstein, D.A. (Editor) (2007) Innovations and Advances in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.
- Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2007) The treatment of magical ideation. In D.A. Einstein (Ed.) Innovations and Advances in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.
- Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2006) Magical Thinking in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder and the General Community, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 34, 351-357.
- Berle, D., Blaszczynski, A., Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2006) Thought Action Fusion in schizophrenia: A preliminary Behaviour Change, 23, 260- 269.
- Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2004) The presence of Magical Thinking in Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 539-549.
- Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2004) Role of magical thinking in obsessive compulsive symptoms in an undergraduate sample, Depression and Anxiety, 19, 174-
- Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2003) Atypical presentations in R.G. Menzies & P. De Silva (eds) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Theory, research and London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Drobny, & Einstein, D.A. (2003) A computerised treatment for social phobia. Developed as a part of the CLIMATE treatment series in association with the World Health Organisation.
- Lutz, , Lowry, J., Kopta, M., Einstein, D.A., & Howard, K.I. (2001) Prediction of dose- response relations based on patient characteristics, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 889-900.
2000 and previous:
- Einstein, D.A., Lovibond, P.F. & Gaston, J.E. (2000) Relationship between perfectionism and emotional symptoms in an adolescent sample, Australian Journal of Psychology, 52, 89-93.
- Menzies, G., Harris, L., Cummings, S. & Einstein, D.A. (2000) The relationship between inflated personal responsibility and exaggerated danger expectancies in obsessive- compulsive concerns, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 1029-1037.
- Einstein, D.A. & Lanning,K. (1998). Shame, guilt, ego development and the five factor model of personality, Journal of Personality, 66, 555 – 582.
Media and Contributions to Public Health Education:
- Media consists of articles, interviews in the newspaper, podcasts, television and radio to promote discussion around the topics of social media use, managing uncertainty, and instilling boundaries around mobile phone For further details of articles please see media sections of;
- Original video and book Please see for a 2 minute video on the home page which explains the dopamine pull based on published research. This initiative sought to influence mobile phone use and educate families.
- Assisted in the creation and features in 2023 Australian Documentary Disconnect Me by filmmaker Alex Lykos. Film featured in several international film festivals and plays in schools education