
Contributions to mental health initiatives:


  • Presentation of research to press in Muriel Hall, Australian Parliament House, Speaking to support petition steered by 36 Months campaign. 7 Nov 2024.
  • Invited as an expert to NSW Social Media Summit Panel & South Australian Social Media Summit.
  • Participated in Age Assurance Virtual Roundable for Academics/Experts for the Online Safety Branch
  • Department of Infrastructure Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts, August.
  • Developed and delivered a program to 7 schools in Melbourne, Sydney and New Zealand to address the rise of anxiety. This whole school approach targets well-meant but unhelpful actions within schools that make children more likely to have wellbeing problems, such as anxiety (conducted with Dr Judith Locke, Clinical Psychologist)
  • Two separate submissions to the Joint Select Committee for Social Media Use and Australian Society forthe Australian Parliament. The first addressed initiatives to target technology use, the second addresed the perceived need for anonymity and was co-authored with Sydney Clinical Psychlogists.
  • Year 11 to 12 program delivered to 4 schools to assist in their preparation for the final years of school (conducted with Dr Judith Locke, Clinical Psychologist).
  • Getting your clients unstuck: Advanced Cognitive Behavioural Strategies for treatment of OCD. (Workshop and supervision conducted with Professor Jessica Grisham, Clinical Psychologist). Facilitated online OCD peer supervision group together in 2023.


  • Contributed to National Senate inquiry into School Refusal and Related Matters (submitted with Dr Judith Locke, Clinical Psychologist)


  • AusDance NSW Developing guidelines for the return to dance post Covid

2020 to 2023:

  • Member of the One Eighty Wellbeing Advisory Group (Reviewed clinical governance, risk protocols, discussing online group management during covid, reviewing critical social media requests by members).


  • Led submission to the NSW Department of Education Review into mobile phone use in schools, quoted within the final report. Project Research team: Einstein, D.A., McMaugh,A., Rapee, R.M., McEvoy, P., Ferrari, M.I., Abbott, M.J., Mansell, W.M. & Karin, E.

2013 to 2018:

  • Shalom Institute Board Member - Assisted college to cultivate inclusive culture of community initiatives within College and organisation. Shalom College offers numerous Indigenous scholarships at UNSW. Supervised Wellbeing Social Worker at the College.


  • Convenor of National AACBT Conference; 1999 Convenor of NSW AACBT State Conference; Member of the Australian Association For Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (NSW, 1996+) Vice President (2006 -2012) (1999 -2000), Head of workshop committee (1999) and member of workshop committee (1997 – 1999; 2012-2013)
  • Developed the first WHO E-treatment program developed for social phobia as part of the CLIMATE program
  • Member of a working group with the aim of developing anxiety priorities for NSW, chaired by Professor Beverly Raphael, Centre for Mental Health, North Sydney (2001-2002).
  • Reviewer: Anxiety, Stress and Coping, Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Therapy and Research, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Participated in Age Assurance Virtual Roundable for Academics/Experts for the Online Safety Branch Department of Infrastructure Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts, August.


Presentations: Invited & Conference:

Einstein, D.A. (2023) Professor Margot Prior Lecture: The influence of Research on Device Use and Youth Mental Health: Where have we gone wrong and how can we progress? Invited by The Australian Clinical Psychology Association.

Einstein, D.A., (Chair) Werner-Seidler, A. Dadds, M., Wade,. T. & Birrell, L. (2023) What happens when universal prevention programs are unleashed in secondary schools. What does the research tell us and what should we advise schools to consider? Panel Discussion, National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

Einstein, D.A. (Chair) (2023) Symposium: How can we adapt to change when uncertainty is everywhere? National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Discussant Prof. Peter McEvoy, School of Population Health Curtin University.

Einstein, D.A., McMaugh,A., Rapee, R.M., McEvoy, P., Ferrari, M.I., Abbott, M.J., Mansell, W.M. & Karin, E. (2023) Targeting intolerance of uncertainty in secondary schools, National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Einstein, D.A. (2023) Thinking through imaginal exposure stories for OCD. Are we targeting intolerance of uncertainty in these? National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Einstein, D.A. (2022) Treating teen Sexual OCD in a World of Devices, Invited Seminar, Anxiety Practitioners Network, Australia.

Einstein, D.A. (2021) Parents and Carers: Screen Time in 2021 with Danielle Einstein, Woollahra Council, NSW

Bufka, L, Wright, V. & Einstein, D.A. (1 April 2020) Managing Anxiety and Stress in Uncertain Times EBSCO Webinar

Einstein, D.A. (3 March 2020) Invited brief presentation for Ausdance NSW, Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE), Safe Dance Think Tank.

Einstein, D.A. (18 Feb 2020) The Dip: A practical guide to take control of screen addiction and reconnect families - Understanding the Backstory, Youth Services Forum Agenda, Woollhara Municipal Council, NSW.

Einstein, D.A. (4 Dec 2019) Understanding the impact of devices on our brains, our moods and our schooling, Network for internet Investigation and Research Australia, NSW.

Einstein, D.A. (27 Nov 2019) The Dip: A practical guide to take control of screen addiction and reconnect with your family — From the therapist perspective, National Psychology, Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference 2019, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney.

Einstein, D.A. (30 Oct 2019) Expert Insights: Social Media and Youth, The Black Dog Institute, Randwick.

Einstein, D.A. (29 Oct 2019) Behind the Scenes, Bell Shakespeare, Wiley Park, Sydney.

Einstein, D.A. (28 Nov 2018) Session 1: Panel interview and synthesis: Technology -do we really need to add an extra layer of fun to get kids moving. Session 2: Technology within the education setting. Movement to Move: Global Insights to Get Our Kids Moving, Adelaide, South Australia.

Einstein, D.A. (1 June 2018) What does it take to develop evidence based wellbeing programs for Secondary Schools? Mental Health in Schools Conference, Luna Park, Sydney.

Einstein, D.A. (25 May 2018) Mental Health in Schools Conference, ProPsych, Melbourne Convention Centre.

Einstein, D.A. (19 Oct 2017) Preventing emotional health difficulties in boys. "BoysMatter" APS Mental Health Conference at NSW Parliament House.

Einsten, D.A. (2017) Managing our minds to thrive at university. Shalom College, UNSW.

Einstein, D.A. (2017) Introduction to Insights: Embracing Wellbeing at Secondary School, Santa Sabina College, staff workshop.

Einstein, D.A. (2017) Insights. Student and Parent Presentations

Einstein, D.A., Garradd, A., Boulton, K. & Farkash, L. (2016) Is Intolerance of Uncertainty adequately addressed in intervention programs ? Paper presented at the 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, June, 2016.

Einstein, D.A. (2016) Universal Prevention Programs: What do they aim to alter? Radford College, ACT.

Einstein, D.A. (2016) In depth focus on managing expectations, sleep and uncertainty in Year 10. Santa Sabina College.

Einstein, D.A. (2015) Understanding the evidence for High School Well Being programs. Understanding what programs aim to change and whether these goals are met. Association of Independent Schools NSW Conference Workshop.

Einstein, D.A. (2015) Helping Teens Overcome Stress and Feelings of Pressure. Seminar presented by the Centre for Emotional Health and the Rotary Club of North Ryde

Einstein, D.A. (2015) School based programs to prevent Depression and Anxiety. Leading Edge Practice and APS Forum: Research for Achieving Better Mental Health Outcomes Forum, NSW Parliament House

Einstein, D.A. (2014) What do we aim to change through the Insights Program, Pymble Ladies College, Parent seminar.

Einstein, D.A. (2011) Thinking creatively about change: challenging intolerance of uncertainty across disorders; Seminar presented for Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Sydney.

Einstein, D.A. (2011) An update on changes being implemented within the Cool Kids Adolescent Anxiety and Depression Program at the Centre for Emotional Health, Macquarie University. School link program: Western Sydney.

Einstein, D.A., St Clare, T., Drobny, J., Krochmalik, A., Jones, M., Peters, L. & Menzies, R.G. (2011) Effectiveness of DIRT in a typical outpatient clinic: Results from a randomised controlled trial. National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Sydney.

Borkovec, T., Holmes, E., Dadds, M., Davis, N. (Discussants) Einstein, D.A. (Chair) (2009) Panel discussion: Branding of psychotherapy – Are we reinventing the wheel? What is CBT? Similarities, differences and implications for CBT practitioners. At National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Perth, Western Australia.

Einstein, D. A. (2009) “I have to believe in magic” the relevance of magical ideation to OCD, and description of a treatment of magical thinking. Invited address. Anxiety Practitioners Network conference, Sydney.

Einstein, D.A., Invited to Seminar for the Clinical Science Program graduate students, University of Berkeley, Motivational interviewing interventions for anxiety and depression.

Einstein, D.A. & Menzies (2006) Does magical thinking improve across treatment for Obsessive compulsive Disorder ? 29th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Sydney, Australia.

Einstein, D.A., Menzies, R.G., St Clare, T. & Drobny, J. (2006) The treatment of magical ideation in two individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. ? 29th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Sydney, Australia.

Einstein, D.A. Invited to seminar for the Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, United Kingdom (July, 2002) Is Magical Ideation a key construct in OCD ?

Einstein, D.A, Invited to seminar for the Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy (6 July, 2002) Pathologies of Privacy – A contemporary perspective on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Einstein, D.A. & Karpin, I. Workshop (9 September, 2002): Behaviour Therapy for Mental Health Workers: Managing Difficult Behaviours and the Use of Reinforcement Strategies in effective patient care. Conducted with Ilana Karpin, Clinical Psychologist. Sydney.

Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2002) Is magical ideation a core feature of OCD ? Two clinical studies. Paper presented at the National Conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, London, United Kingdom.

Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2001) The relative importance of schizotypy and thought action fusion in obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Poster presented at the World Congress of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.

Menzies, R.G., Jones, M.K., Krochmalik, A., Einstein, D.A. & McColl, T. (2001) The development of an exposure-free treatment package for OCD. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.

Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2001) Targeting magical thinking to reduce Obsessive Compulsive concerns: Pilot data. Paper presented at the National Conference of the Autralian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Sydney, NSW.

Einstein, D.A. & Menzies, R.G. (2000) The role of magical thinking in obsessive- compulsive concerns. Paper presented at the National Conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, London, United Kingdom.

Lutz, W., Einstein, D.A., Lowry, J., Kopta, M. & Howard, K.I. (1999) Outcomes research: patient profiling – a new method of evaluating treatment progress. Paper presented at AACBT 22nd National Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia.

Einstein, D. A. & Lovibond, P. (1996) Perfectionism, procrastination and psychological symptoms in final year high school students. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy, Sydney, NSW.


Research Income and Grants

National Health and Medical Research 1999 ($25,000 for Westmead site) Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy in Obsessive Compulsive Washers: A Multicentre Trial (With A/Prof Ross Menzies, Dr Mairwen Jones, Prof Ken Kirkby).

Schniering, Einstein & Rapee 2014 to 2016. The feasibility and outcome of internet delivery of transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for adolescent anxiety and depression. Grant awarded from Australian Rotary Health. Total: $75,632.00

Insights Program Industry Funding raised (2016 to 2018): $31,578.35 project funds raised through license to run program, workshops for teachers, supervision for teachers.

Wolper Jewish Hosptial Foundation Grant (2019 to 2020; extended to 2023 due to Covid) to develop ‘Behind the Scenes’ workshop to address social media use and envy. Partnership with Bell Shakespeare. $14,790.